Kelly Russell Catella, General Director of Fondazione Riccardo Catella, introduces the talk between Green&Blue Director Riccardo Luna, Giulia Innocenzi, director, and Barbara Nappini, Chairperson of the Slow Food Italia Collective Board, to present the screening of Food for Profit, the first documentary showing the thread that links the meat industry, lobbies and political power.
In this investigative documentary adopting a cinematographic approach, Giulia Innocenzi and Pablo D’Ambrosi guide us on an illuminating and shocking journey around Europe, where they will talk with breeders, multinationals and politicians. Accompanying them is a team of investigators who worked undercover at the farms of the leading European countries, unveiling the reality hidden behind the excellences of meat and cheese production, and who grapple with the main problems linked to this type of industrial production: water pollution, exploitation of migrants, loss of biodiversity and antibiotic resistance.
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