Just like every year, we want to get together with the GREEN Community of BAMFRIENDS and BAM volunteers to celebrate another year of nature and culture with a special event dedicated!
Following the fellowship formed with BAM Circus – The Marvels at the Park Festival, the writer of aphorisms Fabrizio Caramagna is back with us.
All participants will be able to take part in this creative workshop led by the author. After an initial theoretical moment in search of the aphorism and its most famous interpretations, everyone will get down to their individual wording of their small works: your original, literary and super personalised greeting for this upcoming holiday period!
And then everyone together to become acquainted, talk about the past year and share expectations for the one to come… also with a toast and lots of music!
You still aren’t a BAMFRIEND and you want to become one? Discover here how to do it and we hope you will join the community.