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BAM Talk: From the circular economy to regeneration

The Conversations for the Environment cycle, now at its third edition and dedicated to the topic of our relationship with nourishment and with the planet, continues.

  • 6 pm: aperitif in collaboration with Salumeria del Design
  • 7 pm: beginning of the talk “From the circular economy to regeneration”

Speaking at this appointment will be Mario Grosso, who teaches Solid Waste Management and Treatment at the Politecnico of Milan, Enrica Arena, founder of Orange Fiber, and Roberto Battiston, physicist. Moderator Massimo Sideri.

The contents and speakers were selected thanks to the generous contribution of a scientific committee chaired by Professor Marco Riva and whose members are Sharon Cittone, Francesca Colombo, Federica Gasbarro, Anna Scavuzzo, Donatella Sciuto, Massimo Sideri and Roberto Stringa.

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The talk will be live in the park, but it can also be followed in live streaming on:

The talk will be simultaneously translated in LIS – In collaboration with ENS Ente Nazionale Sordi


In collaboration with Fondazione Corriere della Sera

In collaboration with Milan Monza Brianza Lodi Chamber of Commerce


Enrica Arena is CEO and Co-founder of Orange Fiber, the first brand in the world to produce sustainable fabrics from the by-products of the juice of citrus fruits. After taking her degree in International Cooperation for Development and Communication, she accrued different experiences in the non-profit communication and project management field for the Alessandrina Library and UNDP-Egypt. And it was thus that she discovered a passion for social entrepreneurial activity as a driver of growth and development, which has always been the beacon that guides her and that has led her today to handle Orange Fiber’s project management, communication, marketing and fund-raising.

Roberto Battiston, born in Trento in 1956, took his Physics degree from the Scuola Normale in Pisa and then went on to receive his doctorate at the University of Paris IX, Orsay. He has been a full professor of Experimental Physics at the Department of Physics of the University of Trento since 1992. He has coordinated highly complex scientific projects in the field of physics on the accelerators at CERN, at Stanford and in space. He chaired the Italian Space Agency (ASI) from 2014 to 2018, representing Italy in the Italian, European and international space contexts. Author of over 460 articles published in international magazines, he has been involved in research projects in the experimental physics of fundamental interactions sector for more than 35 years. He has devoted himself to writing popular scientific essays since 2012. His latest publication – L’alfabeto della natura. La lezione della scienza per interpretare la realtà (The Alphabet of Nature. Lessons from Science for Reading the World Around Us) – reflects on the importance of welcoming science into public debate in order to cope with the enormous challenge the environmental question poses. 

Mario Grosso is an environmental engineer and associate professor at the Politecnico of Milan, carries out educational, research and consulting activities on issues concerning waste management, technologies for recovery and treatment, and analysis of their life cycle. He is a researcher at the “MatER” (Materia & Energia dai Rifiuti) Studies and Research Centre, in the field of Laboratorio Energia e Ambiente Piacenza (LEAP) and teaches many post-graduate specialisation courses, also at the Bocconi University. Is is a member of the Scientific Committee of climalteranti.it. He has been a member of the VIA/VAS Committee of the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security since 2019. He is associate editor of the international science magazine “Waste Management & Research”.  He popularises the topics of waste management, sustainable mobility and mitigation of climate changes. He wrote “Dove vanno a finire i nostri rifiuti” and “L’ultima auto a benzina” for Zanichelli.


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