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BAM! The Park becomes Isola – III edition

The outdoor festival celebrating the Isola neighbourhood and its citizens is back for its third year! BAM is hosting the market of Isola tradition, with handicrafts and 0 km-grown food products playing the starring role to once again focus attention on the basic aspects of our soil-respectful, responsible and common way of life

The initiative is enriched with the collaboration of the neighbourhood’s cultural organisations, turning BAM into a cultural district with workshops for children with a guided tour of the neighbourhood, music and guided tours to explore the neighbourhood and its contemporary and traditional cultural realities.  

In collaboration with Associazione Rete Distretto Isola, Casa della Memoria, Campagna Amica – Coldiretti Milan-Lodi-Monza-Brianza, Kasa dei Libri, Salumeria del Design, Milan Clown Festival, Stecca 3 and Fondazione Bullone

Learn about all of the day’s activities!

22 October 2023 @ 09:00 - 19:00

Icona località Biblioteca degli Alberi

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